Detective Lauren speaks agitated “We have to make an arrest, we can’t let this woman carry on with her crime when we have substantial evidence that she will commit it and that it will lead to the death of three innocent people!” Captain Ogle responds calm but obviously not as permissive in accepting the evidence at hand, “I don’t think the circumstantial evidence is even circumstantial, how are you going to explain that based of a few simple patters detected by a psychic and confirmed by a couple of police officers, which don’t make for objective witnesses you are going to arrest a professional 43 year old woman with a wonderful career her only obvious crime being that she never managed to find herself a husband!” Capt Ogle pauses, but is breathing heavily enough to stop anyone else from talking before he continues… “And you know the supposed would be abductor and killer woman, and you are a young detective with perhaps an axe to grind because for all we know you could be a women hater; I can see now a defense council giving you and our precinct a whole new title, “misogynist central.”” “Oh Capt please you are letting your imagination go wild, its not my fault that she happens to be a former close friend of mine, who else is more likely to discover a crime than someone who knows the victims and the killer?… now Lauren does not wait for an answer, “or have you forgotten your basic training Capt, its usually someone you know that kills you, and if that is the case the most likely to be aware of your pretensions are going to be your friends, assuming that family can’t be objective on these murder matters.”
There are two other detectives in the dark and gloomy room, but they remain silent, they have already mad clear to Ogle that they are not in agreement with Lauren, they think her a bit on the unconventional side of things, and they are not very pleased with what she is proposing.
It all started a while back, Lauren had this friend Antoinette, perhaps even they were best friends, but there was Lauren’s boyfriend, and somehow Antoinette Blite found herself in a sexual liaison with him, and as it happens a million times a year throughout the world, Lauren had the occasion to catch them in the act. The friendship ended, the boyfriend got lost, and both women, at least from hearing Lauren tell it, both women seem to walk around with a Grand Canyon size scar from their mutual separation.
This was, again if one believes Lauren, an event that occurred eight years back, long enough for everyone to forget everyone, long enough for both women to have found other boyfriends or husbands, and yet they hadn’t, in fact the odd thing was how similar their profiles ran, both coming from hard edged homes, both were raised by adoring fathers, and mothers that were none supportive of their intelligent and thriving daughters. Both had found their mutual friendship because not only were they champion professionals but both could revel on how they had managed to succeed in spite of their mothers, apparent jealousies or constant denouements. And now, both could claim that the same boyfriend had separated them from perhaps their real love, each other. Yet let me be clear here, neither had lesbian tendencies, in fact they were both in love with the masculine, so much so that some times it overburdened their personalities, both in the professional world, as well as in their personal character, both lived alone, both were masochistically independent, and both had the respect of their friends and peers for being reasonable and sound minded. Neither had much book intelligence, they were doers not intellectuals, they didn’t have to prepare for their jobs, they were intuitive, highly intuitive, and they could call the shots better than most managers. Lauren had commanded national recognition for her profound ability to get to the details of a case in record times, and her case conviction record was in the 79 percentile, a seemingly impossible record, that included all her cases including those unresolved. Antoinette too was an impressive executive, she was a Vice President with a cutting edge Internet company, she had made millions for them and she had herself a handsome salary and a decent retirement full of pigs, and here was really the most obvious difference between the two, Lauren could not claim financial independence, much less on detectives pay could she claim a future with lots of pigs to retire on. Nope, in fact that had been one of their mutual points of discontent, Antoinette always business and economics savvy, commanded a spreadsheet mind, while Lauren was more prone to spend away on her family, friends and self, without giving it much thought, and so Antoinette had to help her with a loan so that she could afford her plainly impractical Karmaguia, and Antoinette had also loaned her money numerous times to cover the rent, and so forth. Which arguably perhaps gave Antoinette some right to fuck Lauren’s man, at least perhaps Antoinette subconsciously thought so, though there is no evidence that Antoinette even bothered to expect full repayment from Lauren.
And now, for the last three and half months, Lauren had been tracing circumstantial evidence of a crime that Antoinette was going to commit that maybe even Antoinette did not know she was going to commit. Lauren, not unlike Antoinette was superstitious, but not so much in a genuine way, much as many people in the Western world are superstitious, they will visit a fortune teller, have a set of tarot at home and occasionally pull a card to see how the relationship or the job are destined, or even reading the horoscope to comically feel good about themselves, in all a harmless belief, never bothering to mystically dwell in the underpinnings of the metaphysical craft. So one day, about three and half moths ago, really precisely three and half months ago, Lauren went to a Psychic. The psychic was named Habakkuk, and he had been Lauren’s official psychic for many years, so much so that they actually had lunch at least once every two months or so, and even shared a mutual passion for red wines. They laughed a lot together, and Lauren admired Habakkuk life style, he was so out of the ordinary, something that would have been very difficult for her, so she felt that it took lots of personal courage to be so different, Habakkuk dressed in robes, red and golden robes, wore a head scarf, was a skinny man, strictly vegetarian, but had nothing against beef nor did he admonish those that consumed it, he simply felt that beef grounded the spirit too much and his had to be flighty and light, and so it was that he didn’t eat meat, in fact having grown with a fanatic vegan mother, Habakkuk had been one of those rare human beings that had never tasted the meat of any animal, though some could speculate that the larvae or protein from a fly or an occasional worm might have been unnoticed in his vegetables; but for that, Habakkuk was a spiritual man, and he did curse himself for his wine consumption, he couldn’t help himself, to Habakkuk, wine was something that tied you way back to some angelic truth that couldn’t be known from, by his terrestrial self, he suspected that he would never find out precisely what the riveting connection was with wine and the angelic, but he knew that it stretched through times and culture, and he often spoke of this incredible harmonious connection that had to have eventuated at some critical historical point, for Habakkuk the invention of wine led to many strange conclusions, the foremost being that wine had been a blur point where all of humanity had for an instant synchronized upon divine aspirations and not a touch of evil had touched that micro second of intense joy and global communion, and from that moment, richness with the textures of the divine human spirit had jolted the senses and some one had to invent wine to represent the moment; yes according to Habakkuk wine was the only evidence that we had of an earth wide human communion instant; the ruby red, laced through angling souls.
You could blame Habakkuk for Lauren’s current obsession. A session of psychic reading, “I see a woman… she has adducted a family, I see a woman… she is violent of rage, I see a woman she is going through irrevocable madness… I see a woman… hurting to hurt you Lauren, hurting to touch you Lauren, I see a woman… inching her way into you from long absence, I see a woman discrediting your profession…” and suddenly Habakkuk stopped talking, tears had covered his face, sweat had dampened his head scarf, he opened his eyes wide, wide open and he rounded the table to hug, hug, Lauren, whom was already herself in heavy throttled shock!! Lauren was in fact so stiff that the hugging being begged by Habakkuk was a clumsy reaching for bones, he couldn’t get her arms or fingers to close around him, and perhaps what is worst, after coming through his trance, Habakkuk barely remembered what he said, he knew that it was bad because of the feelings that were transversing throughout his body and soul, because he knew that his tears were droplets of tragic truth and not of happening joys, and because he sensed Lauren’s shocked condition as it was connected to him as catalyst. Habakkuk, did not know what to say or do, psychics are not very good at being good friends, they are certainly detached, they really don’t belong to this world, mostly they dream there way through it, so while Habakkuk could sense that something was disproportionally wrong with his fortune telling, he could not endeavor to reassure or to calm or to help Lauren, she was on her own, he did not understand the world that he predicted happenings for, he did not understand that world, which was also why he could walk through it, looking wholly alien and not notice himself.
Now Lauren was asking captain Ogle to obtain a warrant to bring Antoinette in for questioning, this she was asking even as Antoinette had not committed the crime that she was going to commit and this even as the circumstantial evidence was highly suspect. Antoinette’s deviation from her routine of years, Antoinette had stopped drinking coffee, she had stopped attending social functions, she used to go for a seven mile run, in the past with Lauren, both were fanatics of the loner sport, but now only Lauren continued with the sport, Antoinette had abandoned it apparently approximately three and a half months ago, about the same time that she abandoned social functions and coffee, something in Antoinette had changed, and most disconcerting was the fact that she was no longer so charged at work, peers noted that her intensity towards projects was gone, that she did the bare minimum, that she avoided conflict, that she did not comment on strategic issues, that she was there but really not there, and that this unusual behavior for a woman that had the sumptuous top level office, for a woman that had marred the lives of others to get there, for a woman that had none of the passivity of a good southern woman, this woman had changed three and a half months ago. Three and a half months ago she became absent from most of her daily routine, though she still showed up to work. Her boss, however, was now beginning to lose his patience, and though she was part owner of the company, her stocks did not guarantee her a job, and he was preparing to oust her for, of all things, negligence or lack of participation.
Habakkuk had started a strange chain of events with his vision, Lauren immediately after she awakened from her shock thought of none other than Antoinette, and had immediately started the investigation to conclude that there was a different Antoinette within Antoinette, and this difference was drastic enough and timely enough to warrant police attention. Now all Antoinette wanted was for our Abraham Lincoln look alike Habakkuk, moustacheless but bearded and in robes to be able to carry out a suspicious experiment that he only hesitantly suspected might be able to tell him if Antoinette was indeed a murderer to be. According to Habakkuk in the old days, when Habakkuk speaks of the old days he is usually somewhere in the seventh century BC, now Habakkuk noted that back then it was not unusual to place a suspect in an aged wooden box like hut, and to have Psychics walk about rounding and reading the suspects energy to determine if he was bad, a bad man. Surprisingly, according to Habakkuk, whom while unable to convey anything of modern history, he didn’t even know that he looked like Lincoln, nor did he know that there had been a civil war, or for that matter a second or a first world war, but if you speak to him of the seventh century before Christ and even beyond that backwards, he seems to posses incredible knowledge, and according to him there was something very strange about the wooden box happenings, never in all of his knowledge had a woman been put in the box, never. Antoinette then stood to make woman of the year, even as she might not be aware of it, certainly such an ancient tradition being revived at this point in time had somehow an elongated connection to the past, and Antoinette, according to Habakkuk, must have somehow been deigned to link a communal practice from the seventh century BC to the present. Habakkuk noted that these kinds of bridges between centuries were rare, and often hidden from historians because history was a dead event and these were real events taking place with the same malice or goodness of intent as in their original preconceptions. In other words, what Antoinette was attempting to recreate was a genuine, not a replica event of something that took place in the seventh century, by genuine Habakkuk, this meant that the event was being carried out with knowledge of intent to sequester a provable murderer before the act. Habakkuk also noted that he was not bothered by the moral implications, the act hadn’t been committed but to Habakkuk changing the future or destiny of a person was common practice, he explained that many of his readings changed the destinies of the people that he read for, that many things that were going to happen did not happen because he, Habakkuk had read them as unwarranted or as unwanted, and that as his subjects acted in regard to his visions, they changed future histories. Capt Ogle wasn’t terribly convinced by these reassuring words from this incredulous man, so Habakkuk noted, “it is only now that everyone lives only on today that they can not envision changing future events, in the past many events were changed by ordinary people but today there is a helpless sense that ordains a none interruption of destiny, people feel that they can only govern the present, but the present is only born from the burning urges of the near present future; and so it is possible captain, to alter the future happenings, and to work as hard for them as one works to retire.” Captain Ogle wasn’t any more impressed by this, he was more impressed that the request to bring Antoinette in and lock her in a wooden hut was being made by his most admirable and frequently unerring detective.
There are two other detectives in the dark and gloomy room, but they remain silent, they have already mad clear to Ogle that they are not in agreement with Lauren, they think her a bit on the unconventional side of things, and they are not very pleased with what she is proposing.
It all started a while back, Lauren had this friend Antoinette, perhaps even they were best friends, but there was Lauren’s boyfriend, and somehow Antoinette Blite found herself in a sexual liaison with him, and as it happens a million times a year throughout the world, Lauren had the occasion to catch them in the act. The friendship ended, the boyfriend got lost, and both women, at least from hearing Lauren tell it, both women seem to walk around with a Grand Canyon size scar from their mutual separation.
This was, again if one believes Lauren, an event that occurred eight years back, long enough for everyone to forget everyone, long enough for both women to have found other boyfriends or husbands, and yet they hadn’t, in fact the odd thing was how similar their profiles ran, both coming from hard edged homes, both were raised by adoring fathers, and mothers that were none supportive of their intelligent and thriving daughters. Both had found their mutual friendship because not only were they champion professionals but both could revel on how they had managed to succeed in spite of their mothers, apparent jealousies or constant denouements. And now, both could claim that the same boyfriend had separated them from perhaps their real love, each other. Yet let me be clear here, neither had lesbian tendencies, in fact they were both in love with the masculine, so much so that some times it overburdened their personalities, both in the professional world, as well as in their personal character, both lived alone, both were masochistically independent, and both had the respect of their friends and peers for being reasonable and sound minded. Neither had much book intelligence, they were doers not intellectuals, they didn’t have to prepare for their jobs, they were intuitive, highly intuitive, and they could call the shots better than most managers. Lauren had commanded national recognition for her profound ability to get to the details of a case in record times, and her case conviction record was in the 79 percentile, a seemingly impossible record, that included all her cases including those unresolved. Antoinette too was an impressive executive, she was a Vice President with a cutting edge Internet company, she had made millions for them and she had herself a handsome salary and a decent retirement full of pigs, and here was really the most obvious difference between the two, Lauren could not claim financial independence, much less on detectives pay could she claim a future with lots of pigs to retire on. Nope, in fact that had been one of their mutual points of discontent, Antoinette always business and economics savvy, commanded a spreadsheet mind, while Lauren was more prone to spend away on her family, friends and self, without giving it much thought, and so Antoinette had to help her with a loan so that she could afford her plainly impractical Karmaguia, and Antoinette had also loaned her money numerous times to cover the rent, and so forth. Which arguably perhaps gave Antoinette some right to fuck Lauren’s man, at least perhaps Antoinette subconsciously thought so, though there is no evidence that Antoinette even bothered to expect full repayment from Lauren.
And now, for the last three and half months, Lauren had been tracing circumstantial evidence of a crime that Antoinette was going to commit that maybe even Antoinette did not know she was going to commit. Lauren, not unlike Antoinette was superstitious, but not so much in a genuine way, much as many people in the Western world are superstitious, they will visit a fortune teller, have a set of tarot at home and occasionally pull a card to see how the relationship or the job are destined, or even reading the horoscope to comically feel good about themselves, in all a harmless belief, never bothering to mystically dwell in the underpinnings of the metaphysical craft. So one day, about three and half moths ago, really precisely three and half months ago, Lauren went to a Psychic. The psychic was named Habakkuk, and he had been Lauren’s official psychic for many years, so much so that they actually had lunch at least once every two months or so, and even shared a mutual passion for red wines. They laughed a lot together, and Lauren admired Habakkuk life style, he was so out of the ordinary, something that would have been very difficult for her, so she felt that it took lots of personal courage to be so different, Habakkuk dressed in robes, red and golden robes, wore a head scarf, was a skinny man, strictly vegetarian, but had nothing against beef nor did he admonish those that consumed it, he simply felt that beef grounded the spirit too much and his had to be flighty and light, and so it was that he didn’t eat meat, in fact having grown with a fanatic vegan mother, Habakkuk had been one of those rare human beings that had never tasted the meat of any animal, though some could speculate that the larvae or protein from a fly or an occasional worm might have been unnoticed in his vegetables; but for that, Habakkuk was a spiritual man, and he did curse himself for his wine consumption, he couldn’t help himself, to Habakkuk, wine was something that tied you way back to some angelic truth that couldn’t be known from, by his terrestrial self, he suspected that he would never find out precisely what the riveting connection was with wine and the angelic, but he knew that it stretched through times and culture, and he often spoke of this incredible harmonious connection that had to have eventuated at some critical historical point, for Habakkuk the invention of wine led to many strange conclusions, the foremost being that wine had been a blur point where all of humanity had for an instant synchronized upon divine aspirations and not a touch of evil had touched that micro second of intense joy and global communion, and from that moment, richness with the textures of the divine human spirit had jolted the senses and some one had to invent wine to represent the moment; yes according to Habakkuk wine was the only evidence that we had of an earth wide human communion instant; the ruby red, laced through angling souls.
You could blame Habakkuk for Lauren’s current obsession. A session of psychic reading, “I see a woman… she has adducted a family, I see a woman… she is violent of rage, I see a woman she is going through irrevocable madness… I see a woman… hurting to hurt you Lauren, hurting to touch you Lauren, I see a woman… inching her way into you from long absence, I see a woman discrediting your profession…” and suddenly Habakkuk stopped talking, tears had covered his face, sweat had dampened his head scarf, he opened his eyes wide, wide open and he rounded the table to hug, hug, Lauren, whom was already herself in heavy throttled shock!! Lauren was in fact so stiff that the hugging being begged by Habakkuk was a clumsy reaching for bones, he couldn’t get her arms or fingers to close around him, and perhaps what is worst, after coming through his trance, Habakkuk barely remembered what he said, he knew that it was bad because of the feelings that were transversing throughout his body and soul, because he knew that his tears were droplets of tragic truth and not of happening joys, and because he sensed Lauren’s shocked condition as it was connected to him as catalyst. Habakkuk, did not know what to say or do, psychics are not very good at being good friends, they are certainly detached, they really don’t belong to this world, mostly they dream there way through it, so while Habakkuk could sense that something was disproportionally wrong with his fortune telling, he could not endeavor to reassure or to calm or to help Lauren, she was on her own, he did not understand the world that he predicted happenings for, he did not understand that world, which was also why he could walk through it, looking wholly alien and not notice himself.
Now Lauren was asking captain Ogle to obtain a warrant to bring Antoinette in for questioning, this she was asking even as Antoinette had not committed the crime that she was going to commit and this even as the circumstantial evidence was highly suspect. Antoinette’s deviation from her routine of years, Antoinette had stopped drinking coffee, she had stopped attending social functions, she used to go for a seven mile run, in the past with Lauren, both were fanatics of the loner sport, but now only Lauren continued with the sport, Antoinette had abandoned it apparently approximately three and a half months ago, about the same time that she abandoned social functions and coffee, something in Antoinette had changed, and most disconcerting was the fact that she was no longer so charged at work, peers noted that her intensity towards projects was gone, that she did the bare minimum, that she avoided conflict, that she did not comment on strategic issues, that she was there but really not there, and that this unusual behavior for a woman that had the sumptuous top level office, for a woman that had marred the lives of others to get there, for a woman that had none of the passivity of a good southern woman, this woman had changed three and a half months ago. Three and a half months ago she became absent from most of her daily routine, though she still showed up to work. Her boss, however, was now beginning to lose his patience, and though she was part owner of the company, her stocks did not guarantee her a job, and he was preparing to oust her for, of all things, negligence or lack of participation.
Habakkuk had started a strange chain of events with his vision, Lauren immediately after she awakened from her shock thought of none other than Antoinette, and had immediately started the investigation to conclude that there was a different Antoinette within Antoinette, and this difference was drastic enough and timely enough to warrant police attention. Now all Antoinette wanted was for our Abraham Lincoln look alike Habakkuk, moustacheless but bearded and in robes to be able to carry out a suspicious experiment that he only hesitantly suspected might be able to tell him if Antoinette was indeed a murderer to be. According to Habakkuk in the old days, when Habakkuk speaks of the old days he is usually somewhere in the seventh century BC, now Habakkuk noted that back then it was not unusual to place a suspect in an aged wooden box like hut, and to have Psychics walk about rounding and reading the suspects energy to determine if he was bad, a bad man. Surprisingly, according to Habakkuk, whom while unable to convey anything of modern history, he didn’t even know that he looked like Lincoln, nor did he know that there had been a civil war, or for that matter a second or a first world war, but if you speak to him of the seventh century before Christ and even beyond that backwards, he seems to posses incredible knowledge, and according to him there was something very strange about the wooden box happenings, never in all of his knowledge had a woman been put in the box, never. Antoinette then stood to make woman of the year, even as she might not be aware of it, certainly such an ancient tradition being revived at this point in time had somehow an elongated connection to the past, and Antoinette, according to Habakkuk, must have somehow been deigned to link a communal practice from the seventh century BC to the present. Habakkuk noted that these kinds of bridges between centuries were rare, and often hidden from historians because history was a dead event and these were real events taking place with the same malice or goodness of intent as in their original preconceptions. In other words, what Antoinette was attempting to recreate was a genuine, not a replica event of something that took place in the seventh century, by genuine Habakkuk, this meant that the event was being carried out with knowledge of intent to sequester a provable murderer before the act. Habakkuk also noted that he was not bothered by the moral implications, the act hadn’t been committed but to Habakkuk changing the future or destiny of a person was common practice, he explained that many of his readings changed the destinies of the people that he read for, that many things that were going to happen did not happen because he, Habakkuk had read them as unwarranted or as unwanted, and that as his subjects acted in regard to his visions, they changed future histories. Capt Ogle wasn’t terribly convinced by these reassuring words from this incredulous man, so Habakkuk noted, “it is only now that everyone lives only on today that they can not envision changing future events, in the past many events were changed by ordinary people but today there is a helpless sense that ordains a none interruption of destiny, people feel that they can only govern the present, but the present is only born from the burning urges of the near present future; and so it is possible captain, to alter the future happenings, and to work as hard for them as one works to retire.” Captain Ogle wasn’t any more impressed by this, he was more impressed that the request to bring Antoinette in and lock her in a wooden hut was being made by his most admirable and frequently unerring detective.
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